Living Life with Gratitude, Confidence & Health
Living Life with Gratitude, Confidence & Health

For those who live in the Richmond, Indiana area; please drop by and be my guest!

A place where things are happening is the Richmond Senior Recreation Center!  Located on S. 2nd Street in Richmond, you can find exercise classes, art programs, social connections and of course: Blueprint for Health with Gail.

Gail is definitely in her sweet spot, interacting, coaching and sharing tips and resources for better living.  Just the past few months, some of the topics we’ve covered include: The Secrets to Living Younger, Overcoming Your “Stinkin” Thinking, Detox your Home, the 7 Dimensions of Wellness and much more.  Please stay tuned. We are presently working on the fall & winter calendar and will be expanding the program due to the interest being generated.

Blueprint for Health | Richmond. Click here


Blueprint for Health upcoming classes

We, Tom & Gail are His Associates. We felt this name was quite appropriate considering everything we are and do and offer is because of our Heavenly Father. He is the C.E.O. of our business.  He is the passion behind our coaching, serving and equipping individuals. .

We also consider ourselves “Kingdom Connectors”.  We love to connect individuals with resources, tools, and services that will help you become the best version of yourself. 

Perhaps you’ve wondered… if there is more to life?  

Do you feel like you are missing something?

Curious to find out more?

We would love to connect. 



We Love to Help…We Live to Serve

What are you looking for:  

      • Meaning, Purpose, Direction?
      • Better Health & Tips for Wellness?
      • Grow in Faith & Life?

Please reach out to us.  We have Online Wellness Community available to all — FREE

We have a Learning Wellness Library available to all — FREE

We are offering onsite in Richmond Indiana various Faith Discovery and Building Groups FREE

Most of all, we are available for a telephone or zoom consultation to help discover your needs –– FREE

email to find out how we can better serve you.

“Gail is an incredible coach! She has just the right balance of faith, knowledge, and push to keep you on the path YOU decide. She continually guides you to the decisions that are right for you, not her. Her wealth of knowledge and resources gives you options.

And she uses her faith to start your conversations but follows your lead (and God’s) in how it’s applied as you continue on your journey.”
               —-Life Coach Client


A Call to all Women…….
Ladies, you are amazing!  You juggle home, family, kids maybe even grandkids but let’s be honest….
Do you sometimes feel exhausted? You know what I’m talking about…fatigued, overwhelmed, living in a fog and maybe in a funk.
That was me 20 years ago. I felt so disconnected almost like I was a character in a movie going through the motions. Every day I would get up, do my routine, respond to the needs of my family and then crash for 2 hours every afternoon. I would make dinner and then shortly thereafter get ready for bedtime. My friends would joke “Don’t call Gail after 8 pm”.
I REALLY believed I was eating right but didn’t realize I wasn’t getting the key nutrients my body needed.
  • To make a long story short— I learned what my body needed. I regained 3 hours of productivity each day. It’s not to say that I don’t take an afternoon nap. I still do but it’s 45 minutes but I now get up at 4:00am.
  • Perhaps I am speaking to you? Each month I run a small private group focusing on 7 days of gentle cleansing. I address simple and do able steps to starting a fresh.
Reach out to me if you want an invite to be a part of this supportive, encouraging and transformative experience.  A new group is starting soon.

Welcome to my Blog

Pantry Takeover (part 2)

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Pantry Takeover (part I)

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